Over 100 million loyal listeners for your advertisers.
Dedicated listeners = great consumers. Whether you represent media or own it, you've built solid relationships with your advertisers by providing them with a reliable source of lifelong customers.
How do you maintain and expand those buyer relationships? By ensuring that you keep delivering. An open, independent tech partner, that provides a single, simple point of access to an endless supply of amazing streaming/podcast content, is the only real way to get there.
68% of consumers are more willing to buy something after hearing about it on a podcast.
Over six billion global audio ad opportunities in the SoundStack Marketplace
60% podcast and 40% streaming. Top markets include: US, UK, Canada, Germany, Mexico, Brazil, France, India, Australia & Japan
Buy great content without any fear of supporting your competitors on a platform that’s not owned by a media company
Tools like Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI) are core to the platform. Give more opportunities to your buyers to connect with great consumers.