Hosting & Delivery Podcasting
Enterprise-grade podcasting for everyone.
Growth, in large part, is about access. The biggest innovations around podcast hosting, delivery, monetization, and more shouldn’t be available to the biggest companies alone. So when we built Podcaster, we built in tech like dynamic ad insertion (DAI) from the get go, so everyone has equal opportunities to grow.
Everything you need
Create and edit, host and deliver, monetize and measure all of your shows/episodes in one place
Built for monetization / DAI
Add pre, mid, or post-roll ads to all episodes or a subset. DAI, which serves an ad at the time of download or stream, means more opportunities to serve a more relevant ad
Easy, wide distribution
Podcaster automatically creates an RSS feed to send your podcast to a variety of directories and/or post on your show website
Make it your own
White-Label the Podcaster UI and stay close to your creators. Leverage our API so it’s easy to orchestrate podcast resources yourself.
Reliable measurement
IAB podcast 2.1 certification ensures counting based on a common standard